Friday, July 9, 2010

Flappy the Flamingo Pt #1

Our story begins once upon a time in a distant land not so far away from where we are now. A land deep in the woods where the hand print of man has yet to taint. To be more specific our story starts in the most beautiful, peaceful body of water known to the woods. Our story is about Flappy the Flamingo. Flappy one day was strolling through the water looking for the perfect shrimp to eat. See Flamingos are pink because they eat pink shrimp, or so that is what is believed to be true. Know one really knows for sure, because know one has ever really put this to the test. That is until Flappy came along. While Flappy was in the midst of looking for the perfect pink shrimp he saw a little blue frog. That is when the thought first took holt of him. See Flappy for a long time now has been wondering why he has to be pink. I mean a real man isn’t pink a real man is what ever he wants to be. So when he saw that little blue frog he was determined to catch it and eat it. Now if you were to be there to see our little friend Flappy trying to catch a little frog you would have probably laughed so hard you wet your pants. Flamingos are not designed to catch frogs. He was flapping his wings, thrusting his head this way and that. Once it touched his toes and Flappy about flopped right out of his skin. This little cat and mouse game went on for about half an hour, until he finally caught that precious little blue frog. In a single instant Flappy started to feel something change. He could literally feel his color change. He stuck out his wing only to see the blue move from his body down to the tip of his last feather. He couldn’t believe his eyes “it worked it really really worked.” He thought to himself. He couldn’t move for a little bit due the shock he was in. once he could fell his toes again he started to really really strut his stuff. His head was held high and his eyes half shut. His stride was extra crisp with a little extra pep in his step. Then he heard it. He heard his friends start laughing at him. Not one of them was impressed. They all just laughed. He couldn’t understand. He just knew that the whole Flamingo flock would love him. Though his friends laughed at him he still tried to keep that little extra pep in his step, but that soon started to wear off. His head started to hang low and his feet started to drag. He made his way home, and all he wanted to do was hide in his room. Later that evening when his mother called him for dinner he didn’t move. He didn’t feel like eating. What he really didn’t want to happen was for his mother to laugh at him too. He was sure if he showed his face to his mother the too would join with the others and make fun of him. Well like any mother would do when Flappy didn’t come when she called she went to get him out of his room. She knocked on the door and said “Flappy. You come out here right now. You have been in your room all day, and it is dinner time now and you need to come out and eat.” Flappy didn’t answer. So again like any mother would do she went in to fetch him. When she opened the door her eye got so big that they about popped out of her head. She couldn’t believe that her son was BLUE! After talking with Flappy about how this happened and about how the whole flock mocked him, she asked him a simple question “do you want to be pink again?” He couldn’t get the words out fast enough “YES!!!!” He exclaimed. So his mother began to tell him the old myth of the Chameleon Tree.

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